{{/*### Handler=/donate TitleBar=Support Ainu! KyutGrill=donate2.png AdditionalJS=https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/noUiSlider/9.0.0/nouislider.min.js */}} {{ define "tpl" }} {{ $global := .Context }} {{ $ := $ }}
{{ $.T "While we provide this service for free, we still have to pay for it, and if we always took the money out of our own pockets, 1. we would be broke, 2. we wouldn't be able to upgrade our hardware to accomodate our users. While we do have loads of software optimisations that allow us to have Ainu! run crazy fast while still being on not so high-end hardware, the more users we have, the higher-end our hardware needs to be. So we are asking you for help on this :)." }}
{{ $.T "Me, developers, and most of the Ainu! staff, do not have a day job. This means that we get most of our income as students from doing small jobs as \"freelancers\" every so often, or, you know, allowance." }}
{{ $.T "You may have adblock enabled and have not noticed, but we don't have ads anywhere on our website. We believe ads are bad, as they can be very annoying to you and that you would rather spend a few bucks to help us rather than watch annoying ads all the time." }}
{{ $.T "Why did I put this here?" }}
{{ $.T "You may donate through PayPal (or credit/debit card linked to PayPal). Use the slider below to choose the amount of months you'd like to have the donor benefits, and the cost will be instantly calculated. Remember that if, for instance, you choose to donate € 4 instead of € 3.51, you will only be given one donor month." | html }}