{{/*### Handler=/settings/discord TitleBar=Discord donor KyutGrill=settings2.jpg Include=menu.html MinPrivileges=6 */}} {{ define "tpl" }}
{{ .T "Your discord account has been linked to this Ainu account. Welcome to the donors club and thank you for supporting us! You have now access to the #donators text and voice channels on our official Discord server! You can also set a custom role name and username colour and change your nickname on Discord. If you want to change your nickname, you can use the /nick
command. To set or edit your custom role name and colour, use the command !role HEX_COLOUR ROLE_NAME
. You can pick your HEX colour here, it's the one that starts with '#'. You can change your role name and colour whenever you want!" | html }}
{{ .T "Donors get special privileges on our Discord server too!" }}
{{ .T "Discord is a chatroom with text and voice channels, bots and lots of other cool features. You can download Discord for free here and you can join our official Discord server here." (config "DiscordServer") | html }}
{{ .T "Here's what you get if you link your Discord account:" }}
{{ .T "To get these perks, first of all join our Discord server, then click this fancy button:" (config "DiscordServer") | html }}
{{ end }}