{{ .T "See your public information (everything somebody can see on your user profile), however with this alone it will not be able to see your private information (for instance your email address)." }}
{{ $ := . }} {{ range $client.Authorizations }} {{ if eq . "read_confidential" }}{{ $.T "Read private information" }}
{{ $.T "This application will be able to see your email address, and any private information we will add in the future." }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq . "write" }}
{{ $.T "Write" }}
{{ $.T "This application will be able to make modifications to your Ainu account. This is potentially really dangerous! Use this only with applications that you trust." }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $client.Avatar }}
{{ end }}
{{ $client.Name }}
{{ .T "created by %s" (printf "%s" $client.CreatorID .RequestInfo.CreatorName) | html }}
{{ $.T "This application will be able to see your email address, and any private information we will add in the future." }}
{{ end }} {{ if eq . "write" }}{{ $.T "Write" }}
{{ $.T "This application will be able to make modifications to your Ainu account. This is potentially really dangerous! Use this only with applications that you trust." }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $client.Avatar }}
{{ end }}
{{ $client.Name }}
{{ .T "created by %s" (printf "%s" $client.CreatorID .RequestInfo.CreatorName) | html }}
{{ $.T "This application will be able to make modifications to your Ainu account. This is potentially really dangerous! Use this only with applications that you trust." }}
{{ end }} {{ end }}