{{/*### Handler=/ TitleBar=Home Page KyutGrill=homepage2.jpg */}} {{ define "tpl" }} {{ $cf := .ClientFlags }} {{ $ds := band $cf 1 }} {{ $ := . }}
{{ .T "You look new here. Allow us to introduce you to what Ainu! is." }}
{{ .T "Ainu! is a private osu! server, featuring multiplayer, PP, a very active community and a development team going strong implementing new features and squashing bugs. You can check out even more features here. It has also a very friendly community, and it's open source! Just so you know, we currently have %s users online and %s registered users!" (rediget "ripple:online_users") (rediget "ripple:registered_users") | html }}
{{ $OnlineUsers := .Get "https://c.ainu.pw/api/v1/onlineUsers" }} {{ .T "Welcome back to Ainu! We currently have %s online users and %s total registered users. Nice day to farm a few maps, isn't it?" (rediget "ripple:online_users") (rediget "ripple:registered_users") | html }}