{{/*### Handler=/dev/tokens TitleBar=Your API tokens KyutGrill=dev.jpg MinPrivileges=2 Include=menu.html HugeHeadingRight=true */}} {{ define "tpl" }} {{ $ := . }}
{{ template "devSidebar" . }}
From this page you can create, modify and delete your personal API tokens.
{{ .T "The Ainu API is the system through which developers can create applications to interact with Ainu. If you're asked to fill out an API token from this page, be wary and only actually create the token if you really trust the owner of the application." | html }}
{{ $csrf := csrfGenerate .Context.User.ID }} {{ $page := or (atoint (.Gin.Query "p")) 1 }} {{ with .Get "tokens?p=%d&l=50" $page }} {{ with .tokens }} {{ range . }} {{/* We are using printf with %.0f so that it gets printed as if it was a normal int */}} {{ end }} {{ $left := gt $page 1 }} {{ $right := eq (len .) 50 }} {{ if or $left $right }} {{ end }}
Privileges Description Last used Actions
{{ printf "%.0f" .privileges }} {{ with .description }}{{ . }}{{ else }}(None){{ end }} {{ if ne (nativeTime .last_updated).Year 1970 }}{{ time .last_updated }}{{ else }}Never{{ end }}
{{ $csrf }} {{ ieForm $.Gin }}
{{ end }} {{ end }}

Create new token

{{ $csrf }} {{ ieForm $.Gin }}
{{ end }}