{{/*### Handler=/changelog TitleBar=Changelog KyutGrill=changelog.jpg */}} {{ define "tpl" }}

{{ .T "This is the changelog. Changes are published here as soon as they hit the production status (as in, live on the website)." }}

{{ .T "For various reasons, some software of Ainu does not contribute to the changelog, to which this website is a part of. In case you want to see the changelog of Hanayo, you can do so by clicking here." | html }}

{{ $page := or (atoint (.Gin.Query "p")) 1 }} {{ $ch := loadChangelog $page }} {{ with $ch }} {{ range . }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ $left := gt $page 1 }} {{ $right := eq (len $ch) 50 }}
{{ .T "Author" }} {{ .T "Subject" }} {{ .T "Time" }}
{{ .Username }} {{ .Subject }} {{ timeFromTime .UnixTimestamp }}
{{ end }}