{{ define "base" }} {{ $cf := .ClientFlags }} {{ $ds := band $cf 1 }} {{ $ := . }} {{ $s := systemSettings "website_maintenance" "game_maintenance" "website_global_alert" }} {{ with $s.website_maintenance.Int }} Maintenance - Ainu {{ else }} {{ if .TitleBar }}{{ .T .TitleBar }}{{ end }} {{ .T "- Ainu" }} {{ end }} {{ $s := systemSettings "website_maintenance" "game_maintenance" "website_global_alert" }} {{ with $s.website_maintenance.Int }}

The website is in maintenance.

We are either working on implementing stuff or fixing bugs. It can take up to 10 minutes to a couple of hours.

{{ else }} {{/* If we're asked to disable the hugeheading, but a KyutGrill is set, it will become the background of the page. This is mainly used in user profiles, allowing users to set their profile background. If we're asked to disable the hugeheading, and a KyutGrill is not set, navbar has the `dropped` class. */}}
{{ template "navbar" . }} {{ if not .DisableHH }}

{{ if .HeadingTitle }}{{ .T .HeadingTitle | html }}{{ else }}{{ .T .TitleBar }}{{ end }}

{{ end }}
{{ if and .Context.User.Username (not (has .Context.User.Privileges 1)) }}
{{ $.T "Your account is currently in restricted mode. You will not be able to do certain actions, and your profile can only be seen by you and by Ainu!'s staff. If you believe we have mistaken putting you in restricted mode, or a month has passed since you first saw this, then you can send an appeal at our Discord." | html }}
{{ end }} {{ if .Messages }} {{ range $i, $v := .Messages }}
{{ html $v.Content }}
{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ $settings := systemSettings "website_maintenance" "game_maintenance" "website_global_alert" }} {{ with $settings.website_global_alert.String }}
{{ . | html }}
{{ end }} {{ with $settings.game_maintenance.Int }}
{{ $.T "Ainu!'s score submission is currently in maintenance mode. You will not be allowed to submit scores for the time being." }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "tpl" . }}

{{/* If we got some more scripts to print, print'em */}} {{ if .Scripts }} {{ range .Scripts }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }}