/*! * # Semantic UI - Table * http://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/ * * * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ /******************************* Theme *******************************/ @type : 'collection'; @element : 'table'; @import (multiple) '../../theme.config'; /******************************* Table *******************************/ /* Prototype */ .ui.table { width: 100%; background: @background; margin: @margin; border: @border; box-shadow: @boxShadow; border-radius: @borderRadius; text-align: @textAlign; color: @color; border-collapse: @borderCollapse; border-spacing: @borderSpacing; } .ui.table:first-child { margin-top: 0em; } .ui.table:last-child { margin-bottom: 0em; } /******************************* Parts *******************************/ /* Table Content */ .ui.table th, .ui.table td { transition: @transition; } /* Headers */ .ui.table thead { box-shadow: @headerBoxShadow; } .ui.table thead th { cursor: auto; background: @headerBackground; text-align: @headerAlign; color: @headerColor; padding: @headerVerticalPadding @headerHorizontalPadding; vertical-align: @headerVerticalAlign; font-style: @headerFontStyle; font-weight: @headerFontWeight; text-transform: @headerTextTransform; border-bottom: @headerBorder; border-left: @headerDivider; } .ui.table thead tr > th:first-child { border-left: none; } .ui.table thead tr:first-child > th:first-child { border-radius: @borderRadius 0em 0em 0em; } .ui.table thead tr:first-child > th:last-child { border-radius: 0em @borderRadius 0em 0em; } .ui.table thead tr:first-child > th:only-child { border-radius: @borderRadius @borderRadius 0em 0em; } /* Footer */ .ui.table tfoot { box-shadow: @footerBoxShadow; } .ui.table tfoot th { cursor: auto; border-top: @footerBorder; background: @footerBackground; text-align: @footerAlign; color: @footerColor; padding: @footerVerticalPadding @footerHorizontalPadding; vertical-align: @footerVerticalAlign; font-style: @footerFontStyle; font-weight: @footerFontWeight; text-transform: @footerTextTransform; } .ui.table tfoot tr > th:first-child { border-left: none; } .ui.table tfoot tr:first-child > th:first-child { border-radius: 0em 0em 0em @borderRadius; } .ui.table tfoot tr:first-child > th:last-child { border-radius: 0em 0em @borderRadius 0em; } .ui.table tfoot tr:first-child > th:only-child { border-radius: 0em 0em @borderRadius @borderRadius; } /* Table Row */ .ui.table tr td { border-top: @rowBorder; } .ui.table tr:first-child td { border-top: none; } /* Table Cells */ .ui.table td { padding: @cellVerticalPadding @cellHorizontalPadding; text-align: @cellTextAlign; } /* Icons */ .ui.table > .icon { vertical-align: @iconVerticalAlign; } .ui.table > .icon:only-child { margin: 0em; } /* Table Segment */ .ui.table.segment { padding: 0em; } .ui.table.segment:after { display: none; } .ui.table.segment.stacked:after { display: block; } /* Responsive */ @media only screen and (max-width : @largestMobileScreen) { .ui.table:not(.unstackable) { width: 100%; } .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tbody, .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tr, .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tr > th, .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tr > td { display: block !important; width: auto !important; display: block !important; } .ui.table:not(.unstackable) { padding: 0em; } .ui.table:not(.unstackable) thead { display: @responsiveHeaderDisplay; } .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tfoot { display: @responsiveFooterDisplay; } .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tr { padding-top: @responsiveRowVerticalPadding; padding-bottom: @responsiveRowVerticalPadding; box-shadow: @responsiveRowBoxShadow; } .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tr > th, .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tr > td { background: none; border: none !important; padding: @responsiveCellVerticalPadding @responsiveCellHorizontalPadding !important; box-shadow: @responsiveCellBoxShadow; } .ui.table:not(.unstackable) th:first-child, .ui.table:not(.unstackable) td:first-child { font-weight: bold; } /* Definition Table */ .ui.definition.table:not(.unstackable) thead th:first-child { box-shadow: none !important; } } /******************************* Coupling *******************************/ /* UI Image */ .ui.table th .image, .ui.table th .image img, .ui.table td .image, .ui.table td .image img { max-width: none; } /******************************* Types *******************************/ /*-------------- Complex ---------------*/ .ui.structured.table { border-collapse: collapse; } .ui.structured.table thead th { border-left: @headerDivider; border-right: @headerDivider; } .ui.structured.sortable.table thead th { border-left: @sortableBorder; border-right: @sortableBorder; } .ui.structured.basic.table th { border-left: @basicTableHeaderDivider; border-right: @basicTableHeaderDivider; } .ui.structured.celled.table tr th, .ui.structured.celled.table tr td { border-left: @cellBorder; border-right: @cellBorder; } /*-------------- Definition ---------------*/ .ui.definition.table thead:not(.full-width) th:first-child { pointer-events: none; background: @definitionHeaderBackground; font-weight: @definitionHeaderFontWeight; color: @definitionHeaderColor; box-shadow: -@borderWidth -@borderWidth 0px @borderWidth @definitionPageBackground; } .ui.definition.table tfoot:not(.full-width) th:first-child { pointer-events: none; background: @definitionFooterBackground; font-weight: @definitionFooterColor; color: @definitionFooterFontWeight; box-shadow: @borderWidth @borderWidth 0px @borderWidth @definitionPageBackground; } /* Remove Border */ .ui.celled.definition.table thead:not(.full-width) th:first-child { box-shadow: 0px -@borderWidth 0px @borderWidth @definitionPageBackground; } .ui.celled.definition.table tfoot:not(.full-width) th:first-child { box-shadow: 0px @borderWidth 0px @borderWidth @definitionPageBackground; } /* Highlight Defining Column */ .ui.definition.table tr td:first-child:not(.ignored), .ui.definition.table tr td.definition { background: @definitionColumnBackground; font-weight: @definitionColumnFontWeight; color: @definitionColumnColor; text-transform: @definitionColumnTextTransform; box-shadow: @definitionColumnBoxShadow; text-align: @definitionColumnTextAlign; font-size: @definitionColumnFontSize; padding-left: @definitionColumnHorizontalPadding; padding-right: @definitionColumnHorizontalPadding; } /* Fix 2nd Column */ .ui.definition.table thead:not(.full-width) th:nth-child(2) { border-left: @borderWidth solid @borderColor; } .ui.definition.table tfoot:not(.full-width) th:nth-child(2) { border-left: @borderWidth solid @borderColor; } .ui.definition.table td:nth-child(2) { border-left: @borderWidth solid @borderColor; } /******************************* States *******************************/ /*-------------- Positive ---------------*/ .ui.table tr.positive, .ui.table td.positive { box-shadow: @positiveBoxShadow; } .ui.table tr.positive, .ui.table td.positive { background: @positiveBackgroundColor !important; color: @positiveColor !important; } /*-------------- Negative ---------------*/ .ui.table tr.negative, .ui.table td.negative { box-shadow: @negativeBoxShadow; } .ui.table tr.negative, .ui.table td.negative { background: @negativeBackgroundColor !important; color: @negativeColor !important; } /*-------------- Error ---------------*/ .ui.table tr.error, .ui.table td.error { box-shadow: @errorBoxShadow; } .ui.table tr.error, .ui.table td.error { background: @errorBackgroundColor !important; color: @errorColor !important; } /*-------------- Warning ---------------*/ .ui.table tr.warning, .ui.table td.warning { box-shadow: @warningBoxShadow; } .ui.table tr.warning, .ui.table td.warning { background: @warningBackgroundColor !important; color: @warningColor !important; } /*-------------- Active ---------------*/ .ui.table tr.active, .ui.table td.active { box-shadow: @activeBoxShadow; } .ui.table tr.active, .ui.table td.active { background: @activeBackgroundColor !important; color: @activeColor !important; } /*-------------- Disabled ---------------*/ .ui.table tr.disabled td, .ui.table tr td.disabled, .ui.table tr.disabled:hover, .ui.table tr:hover td.disabled { pointer-events: none; color: @disabledTextColor; } /******************************* Variations *******************************/ /*-------------- Stackable ---------------*/ @media only screen and (max-width : @largestTabletScreen) { .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table, .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tbody, .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tr, .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tr > th, .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tr > td { display: block !important; width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table { padding: 0em; } .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table thead { display: @responsiveHeaderDisplay; } .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tfoot { display: @responsiveFooterDisplay; } .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tr { padding-top: @responsiveRowVerticalPadding; padding-bottom: @responsiveRowVerticalPadding; box-shadow: @responsiveRowBoxShadow; } .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tr > th, .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tr > td { background: none; border: none !important; padding: @responsiveCellVerticalPadding @responsiveCellHorizontalPadding; box-shadow: @responsiveCellBoxShadow; } /* Definition Table */ .ui.definition[class*="tablet stackable"].table thead th:first-child { box-shadow: none !important; } } /*-------------- Text Alignment ---------------*/ .ui.table[class*="left aligned"], .ui.table [class*="left aligned"] { text-align: left; } .ui.table[class*="center aligned"], .ui.table [class*="center aligned"] { text-align: center; } .ui.table[class*="right aligned"], .ui.table [class*="right aligned"] { text-align: right; } /*------------------ Vertical Alignment ------------------*/ .ui.table[class*="top aligned"], .ui.table [class*="top aligned"] { vertical-align: top; } .ui.table[class*="middle aligned"], .ui.table [class*="middle aligned"] { vertical-align: middle; } .ui.table[class*="bottom aligned"], .ui.table [class*="bottom aligned"] { vertical-align: bottom; } /*-------------- Collapsing ---------------*/ .ui.table th.collapsing, .ui.table td.collapsing { width: 1px; white-space: nowrap; } /*-------------- Fixed ---------------*/ .ui.fixed.table { table-layout: fixed; } .ui.fixed.table th, .ui.fixed.table td { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } /*-------------- Selectable ---------------*/ .ui.selectable.table tbody tr:hover, .ui.table tbody tr td.selectable:hover { background: @selectableBackground !important; color: @selectableTextColor !important; } .ui.selectable.inverted.table tbody tr:hover, .ui.inverted.table tbody tr td.selectable:hover { background: @selectableInvertedBackground !important; color: @selectableInvertedTextColor !important; } /* Selectable Cell Link */ .ui.table tbody tr td.selectable { padding: 0em; } .ui.table tbody tr td.selectable > a:not(.ui) { display: block; color: inherit; padding: @cellVerticalPadding @cellHorizontalPadding; } /* Other States */ .ui.selectable.table tr.error:hover, .ui.table tr td.selectable.error:hover, .ui.selectable.table tr:hover td.error { background: @errorBackgroundHover !important; color: @errorColorHover !important; } .ui.selectable.table tr.warning:hover, .ui.table tr td.selectable.warning:hover, .ui.selectable.table tr:hover td.warning { background: @warningBackgroundHover !important; color: @warningColorHover !important; } .ui.selectable.table tr.active:hover, .ui.table tr td.selectable.active:hover, .ui.selectable.table tr:hover td.active { background: @activeBackgroundColor !important; color: @activeColor !important; } .ui.selectable.table tr.positive:hover, .ui.table tr td.selectable.positive:hover, .ui.selectable.table tr:hover td.positive { background: @positiveBackgroundHover !important; color: @positiveColorHover !important; } .ui.selectable.table tr.negative:hover, .ui.table tr td.selectable.negative:hover, .ui.selectable.table tr:hover td.negative { background: @negativeBackgroundHover !important; color: @negativeColorHover !important; } /*------------------- Attached --------------------*/ /* Middle */ .ui.attached.table { top: 0px; bottom: 0px; border-radius: 0px; margin: 0em @attachedHorizontalOffset; width: @attachedWidth; max-width: @attachedWidth; box-shadow: @attachedBoxShadow; border: @attachedBorder; } .ui.attached + .ui.attached.table:not(.top) { border-top: none; } /* Top */ .ui[class*="top attached"].table { bottom: 0px; margin-bottom: 0em; top: @attachedTopOffset; margin-top: @verticalMargin; border-radius: @borderRadius @borderRadius 0em 0em; } .ui.table[class*="top attached"]:first-child { margin-top: 0em; } /* Bottom */ .ui[class*="bottom attached"].table { bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0em; top: @attachedBottomOffset; margin-bottom: @verticalMargin; box-shadow: @attachedBottomBoxShadow; border-radius: 0em 0em @borderRadius @borderRadius; } .ui[class*="bottom attached"].table:last-child { margin-bottom: 0em; } /*-------------- Striped ---------------*/ /* Table Striping */ .ui.striped.table > tr:nth-child(2n), .ui.striped.table tbody tr:nth-child(2n) { background-color: @stripedBackground; } /* Stripes */ .ui.inverted.striped.table > tr:nth-child(2n), .ui.inverted.striped.table tbody tr:nth-child(2n) { background-color: @invertedStripedBackground; } /* Allow striped active hover */ .ui.striped.selectable.selectable.selectable.table tbody tr.active:hover { background: @activeBackgroundHover !important; color: @activeColorHover !important; } /*-------------- Single Line ---------------*/ .ui.table[class*="single line"], .ui.table [class*="single line"] { white-space: nowrap; } .ui.table[class*="single line"], .ui.table [class*="single line"] { white-space: nowrap; } /*------------------- Colors --------------------*/ /* Red */ .ui.red.table { border-top: @coloredBorderSize solid @red; } .ui.inverted.red.table { background-color: @red !important; color: @white !important; } /* Orange */ .ui.orange.table { border-top: @coloredBorderSize solid @orange; } .ui.inverted.orange.table { background-color: @orange !important; color: @white !important; } /* Yellow */ .ui.yellow.table { border-top: @coloredBorderSize solid @yellow; } .ui.inverted.yellow.table { background-color: @yellow !important; color: @white !important; } /* Olive */ .ui.olive.table { border-top: @coloredBorderSize solid @olive; } .ui.inverted.olive.table { background-color: @olive !important; color: @white !important; } /* Green */ .ui.green.table { border-top: @coloredBorderSize solid @green; } .ui.inverted.green.table { background-color: @green !important; color: @white !important; } /* Teal */ .ui.teal.table { border-top: @coloredBorderSize solid @teal; } .ui.inverted.teal.table { background-color: @teal !important; color: @white !important; } /* Blue */ .ui.blue.table { border-top: @coloredBorderSize solid @blue; } .ui.inverted.blue.table { background-color: @blue !important; color: @white !important; } /* Violet */ .ui.violet.table { border-top: @coloredBorderSize solid @violet; } .ui.inverted.violet.table { background-color: @violet !important; color: @white !important; } /* Purple */ .ui.purple.table { border-top: @coloredBorderSize solid @purple; } .ui.inverted.purple.table { background-color: @purple !important; color: @white !important; } /* Pink */ .ui.pink.table { border-top: @coloredBorderSize solid @pink; } .ui.inverted.pink.table { background-color: @pink !important; color: @white !important; } /* Brown */ .ui.brown.table { border-top: @coloredBorderSize solid @brown; } .ui.inverted.brown.table { background-color: @brown !important; color: @white !important; } /* Grey */ .ui.grey.table { border-top: @coloredBorderSize solid @grey; } .ui.inverted.grey.table { background-color: @grey !important; color: @white !important; } /* Black */ .ui.black.table { border-top: @coloredBorderSize solid @black; } .ui.inverted.black.table { background-color: @black !important; color: @white !important; } /*-------------- Column Count ---------------*/ /* Grid Based */ .ui.one.column.table td { width: @oneColumn; } .ui.two.column.table td { width: @twoColumn; } .ui.three.column.table td { width: @threeColumn; } .ui.four.column.table td { width: @fourColumn; } .ui.five.column.table td { width: @fiveColumn; } .ui.six.column.table td { width: @sixColumn; } .ui.seven.column.table td { width: @sevenColumn; } .ui.eight.column.table td { width: @eightColumn; } .ui.nine.column.table td { width: @nineColumn; } .ui.ten.column.table td { width: @tenColumn; } .ui.eleven.column.table td { width: @elevenColumn; } .ui.twelve.column.table td { width: @twelveColumn; } .ui.thirteen.column.table td { width: @thirteenColumn; } .ui.fourteen.column.table td { width: @fourteenColumn; } .ui.fifteen.column.table td { width: @fifteenColumn; } .ui.sixteen.column.table td { width: @sixteenColumn; } /* Column Width */ .ui.table th.one.wide, .ui.table td.one.wide { width: @oneWide; } .ui.table th.two.wide, .ui.table td.two.wide { width: @twoWide; } .ui.table th.three.wide, .ui.table td.three.wide { width: @threeWide; } .ui.table th.four.wide, .ui.table td.four.wide { width: @fourWide; } .ui.table th.five.wide, .ui.table td.five.wide { width: @fiveWide; } .ui.table th.six.wide, .ui.table td.six.wide { width: @sixWide; } .ui.table th.seven.wide, .ui.table td.seven.wide { width: @sevenWide; } .ui.table th.eight.wide, .ui.table td.eight.wide { width: @eightWide; } .ui.table th.nine.wide, .ui.table td.nine.wide { width: @nineWide; } .ui.table th.ten.wide, .ui.table td.ten.wide { width: @tenWide; } .ui.table th.eleven.wide, .ui.table td.eleven.wide { width: @elevenWide; } .ui.table th.twelve.wide, .ui.table td.twelve.wide { width: @twelveWide; } .ui.table th.thirteen.wide, .ui.table td.thirteen.wide { width: @thirteenWide; } .ui.table th.fourteen.wide, .ui.table td.fourteen.wide { width: @fourteenWide; } .ui.table th.fifteen.wide, .ui.table td.fifteen.wide { width: @fifteenWide; } .ui.table th.sixteen.wide, .ui.table td.sixteen.wide { width: @sixteenWide; } /*-------------- Sortable ---------------*/ .ui.sortable.table thead th { cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; border-left: @sortableBorder; color: @sortableColor; } .ui.sortable.table thead th:first-child { border-left: none; } .ui.sortable.table thead th.sorted, .ui.sortable.table thead th.sorted:hover { user-select: none; } .ui.sortable.table thead th:after { display: none; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: inherit; content: ''; height: 1em; width: @sortableIconWidth; opacity: @sortableIconOpacity; margin: 0em 0em 0em @sortableIconDistance; font-family: @sortableIconFont; } .ui.sortable.table thead th.ascending:after { content: @sortableIconAscending; } .ui.sortable.table thead th.descending:after { content: @sortableIconDescending; } /* Hover */ .ui.sortable.table th.disabled:hover { cursor: auto; color: @sortableDisabledColor; } .ui.sortable.table thead th:hover { background: @sortableHoverBackground; color: @sortableHoverColor; } /* Sorted */ .ui.sortable.table thead th.sorted { background: @sortableActiveBackground; color: @sortableActiveColor; } .ui.sortable.table thead th.sorted:after { display: inline-block; } /* Sorted Hover */ .ui.sortable.table thead th.sorted:hover { background: @sortableActiveHoverBackground; color: @sortableActiveHoverColor; } /* Inverted */ .ui.inverted.sortable.table thead th.sorted { background: @sortableInvertedActiveBackground; color: @sortableInvertedActiveColor; } .ui.inverted.sortable.table thead th:hover { background: @sortableInvertedHoverBackground; color: @sortableInvertedHoverColor; } .ui.inverted.sortable.table thead th { border-left-color: @sortableInvertedBorderColor; border-right-color: @sortableInvertedBorderColor; } /*-------------- Inverted ---------------*/ /* Text Color */ .ui.inverted.table { background: @invertedBackground; color: @invertedCellColor; border: @invertedBorder; } .ui.inverted.table th { background-color: @invertedHeaderBackground; border-color: @invertedHeaderBorderColor !important; color: @invertedHeaderColor; } .ui.inverted.table tr td { border-color: @invertedCellBorderColor !important; } .ui.inverted.table tr.disabled td, .ui.inverted.table tr td.disabled, .ui.inverted.table tr.disabled:hover td, .ui.inverted.table tr:hover td.disabled { pointer-events: none; color: @invertedDisabledTextColor; } /* Definition */ .ui.inverted.definition.table tfoot:not(.full-width) th:first-child, .ui.inverted.definition.table thead:not(.full-width) th:first-child { background: @definitionPageBackground; } .ui.inverted.definition.table tr td:first-child { background: @invertedDefinitionColumnBackground; color: @invertedDefinitionColumnColor; } /*-------------- Collapsing ---------------*/ .ui.collapsing.table { width: auto; } /*-------------- Basic ---------------*/ .ui.basic.table { background: @basicTableBackground; border: @basicTableBorder; box-shadow: @basicBoxShadow; } .ui.basic.table thead, .ui.basic.table tfoot { box-shadow: none; } .ui.basic.table th { background: @basicTableHeaderBackground; border-left: @basicTableHeaderDivider; } .ui.basic.table tbody tr { border-bottom: @basicTableCellBorder; } .ui.basic.table td { background: @basicTableCellBackground; } .ui.basic.striped.table tbody tr:nth-child(2n) { background-color: @basicTableStripedBackground !important; } /* Very Basic */ .ui[class*="very basic"].table { border: none; } .ui[class*="very basic"].table:not(.sortable):not(.striped) th, .ui[class*="very basic"].table:not(.sortable):not(.striped) td { padding: @basicTableCellPadding; } .ui[class*="very basic"].table:not(.sortable):not(.striped) th:first-child, .ui[class*="very basic"].table:not(.sortable):not(.striped) td:first-child { padding-left: 0em; } .ui[class*="very basic"].table:not(.sortable):not(.striped) th:last-child, .ui[class*="very basic"].table:not(.sortable):not(.striped) td:last-child { padding-right: 0em; } .ui[class*="very basic"].table:not(.sortable):not(.striped) thead tr:first-child th { padding-top: 0em; } /*-------------- Celled ---------------*/ .ui.celled.table tr th, .ui.celled.table tr td { border-left: @cellBorder; } .ui.celled.table tr th:first-child, .ui.celled.table tr td:first-child { border-left: none; } /*-------------- Padded ---------------*/ .ui.padded.table th { padding-left: @paddedHorizontalPadding; padding-right: @paddedHorizontalPadding; } .ui.padded.table th, .ui.padded.table td { padding: @paddedVerticalPadding @paddedHorizontalPadding; } /* Very */ .ui[class*="very padded"].table th { padding-left: @veryPaddedHorizontalPadding; padding-right: @veryPaddedHorizontalPadding; } .ui[class*="very padded"].table td { padding: @veryPaddedVerticalPadding @veryPaddedHorizontalPadding; } /*-------------- Compact ---------------*/ .ui.compact.table th { padding-left: @compactHorizontalPadding; padding-right: @compactHorizontalPadding; } .ui.compact.table td { padding: @compactVerticalPadding @compactHorizontalPadding; } /* Very */ .ui[class*="very compact"].table th { padding-left: @veryCompactHorizontalPadding; padding-right: @veryCompactHorizontalPadding; } .ui[class*="very compact"].table td { padding: @veryCompactVerticalPadding @veryCompactHorizontalPadding; } /*-------------- Sizes ---------------*/ /* Small */ .ui.small.table { font-size: @small; } /* Standard */ .ui.table { font-size: @medium; } /* Large */ .ui.large.table { font-size: @large; } .loadUIOverrides();