package main // about using johnniedoe/contrib/gzip: // johnniedoe's fork fixes a critical issue for which .String resulted in // an ERR_DECODING_FAILED. This is an actual pull request on the contrib // repo, but apparently, gin is dead. import ( "encoding/gob" "fmt" "time" "" "" "" "" _ "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var startTime = time.Now() var ( config struct { // Essential configuration that must be always checked for every environment. ListenTo string `description:"ip:port from which to take requests."` Unix bool `description:"Whether ListenTo is an unix socket."` DSN string `description:"MySQL server DSN"` RedisEnable bool AvatarURL string BaseURL string API string BanchoAPI string `description:"Bancho base url (without /api) that hanayo will use to contact bancho"` BanchoAPIPublic string `description:"same as above but this will be put in js files and used by clients. Must be publicly accessible. Leave empty to set to BanchoAPI"` CheesegullAPI string APISecret string Offline bool `description:"If this is true, files will be served from the local server instead of the CDN."` MainRippleFolder string `description:"Folder where all the non-go projects are contained, such as old-frontend, lets, ci-system. Used for changelog."` AvatarsFolder string `description:"location folder of avatars, used for placing the avatars from the avatar change page."` CookieSecret string RedisMaxConnections int RedisNetwork string RedisAddress string RedisPassword string DiscordServer string BaseAPIPublic string Production int `description:"This is a fake configuration value. All of the following from now on should only really be set in a production environment."` MailgunDomain string MailgunPrivateAPIKey string MailgunPublicAPIKey string MailgunFrom string RecaptchaSite string RecaptchaPrivate string DiscordOAuthID string DiscordOAuthSecret string DonorBotURL string DonorBotSecret string CoinbaseAPIKey string CoinbaseAPISecret string SentryDSN string IP_API string } configMap map[string]interface{} db *sqlx.DB qb *qsql.DB mg mailgun.Mailgun rd *redis.Client ) // Services etc var ( CSRF services.CSRF ) func main() { err := agplwarning.Warn("ripple", "Hanayo") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } fmt.Println("hanayo " + version) err = conf.Load(&config, "hanayo.conf") switch err { case nil: // carry on case conf.ErrNoFile: conf.Export(config, "hanayo.conf") fmt.Println("The configuration file was not found. We created one for you.") return default: panic(err) } var configDefaults = map[*string]string{ &config.ListenTo: ":6969", &config.CookieSecret: rs.String(46), &config.AvatarURL: "", &config.BaseURL: "", &config.BanchoAPI: "", &config.CheesegullAPI: "", &config.API: "http://localhost:40001/api/v1/", &config.APISecret: "Potato", &config.IP_API: "", &config.DiscordServer: "", &config.MainRippleFolder: "/root/ripple/", &config.MailgunFrom: `"Ainu" `, } for key, value := range configDefaults { if *key == "" { *key = value } } // initialise db db, err = sqlx.Open("mysql", config.DSN+"?parseTime=true") if err != nil { panic(err) } qb = qsql.New(db.DB) if err != nil { panic(err) } // initialise mailgun mg = mailgun.NewMailgun( config.MailgunDomain, config.MailgunPrivateAPIKey, config.MailgunPublicAPIKey, ) // initialise CSRF service CSRF = cieca.NewCSRF() if gin.Mode() == gin.DebugMode { fmt.Println("Development environment detected. Starting fsnotify on template folder...") err := reloader() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } } // initialise redis rd = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{ Addr: config.RedisAddress, Password: config.RedisPassword, }) // initialise oauth setUpOauth() // initialise btcaddress btcaddress.Redis = rd btcaddress.APIKey = config.CoinbaseAPIKey btcaddress.APISecret = config.CoinbaseAPISecret // initialise schiavo schiavo.Prefix = "hanayo" schiavo.Bunker.Send(fmt.Sprintf("STARTUATO, mode: %s", gin.Mode())) // even if it's not release, we say that it's release // so that gin doesn't spam gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode) gobRegisters := []interface{}{ []message{}, errorMessage{}, infoMessage{}, neutralMessage{}, warningMessage{}, successMessage{}, } for _, el := range gobRegisters { gob.Register(el) } fmt.Println("Importing templates...") loadTemplates("") fmt.Println("Setting up rate limiter...") setUpLimiter() fmt.Println("Exporting configuration...") conf.Export(config, "hanayo.conf") // default BanchoAPIPublic to BanchoAPI if not set // we must do this after exporting the config if config.BanchoAPIPublic == "" { config.BanchoAPIPublic = config.BanchoAPI } configMap = structs.Map(config) fmt.Println("Intialisation:", time.Since(startTime)) httpLoop() } func httpLoop() { for { e := generateEngine() fmt.Println("Listening on", config.ListenTo) if !startuato(e) { break } } } func generateEngine() *gin.Engine { fmt.Println("Starting session system...") var store sessions.Store if config.RedisMaxConnections != 0 { var err error store, err = sessions.NewRedisStore( config.RedisMaxConnections, config.RedisNetwork, config.RedisAddress, config.RedisPassword, []byte(config.CookieSecret), ) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) store = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(config.CookieSecret)) } } else { store = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(config.CookieSecret)) } r := gin.Default() // sentry if config.SentryDSN != "" { ravenClient, err := raven.New(config.SentryDSN) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { r.Use(Recovery(ravenClient, false)) } } r.Use( gzip.Gzip(gzip.DefaultCompression), pagemappings.CheckRedirect, sessions.Sessions("session", store), sessionInitializer(), rateLimiter(false), twoFALock, ) r.Static("/static", "static") r.StaticFile("/favicon.ico", "static/favicon.ico") r.POST("/login", loginSubmit) r.GET("/logout", logout) r.GET("/register", register) r.POST("/register", registerSubmit) r.GET("/register/verify", verifyAccount) r.GET("/register/welcome", welcome) r.GET("/clans/create", ccreate) r.POST("/clans/create", ccreateSubmit) r.GET("/u/:user", userProfile) r.GET("/rx/u/:user", relaxProfile) r.GET("/c/:cid", clanPage) r.GET("/b/:bid", beatmapInfo) r.POST("/pwreset", passwordReset) r.GET("/pwreset/continue", passwordResetContinue) r.POST("/pwreset/continue", passwordResetContinueSubmit) r.GET("/2fa_gateway", tfaGateway) r.GET("/2fa_gateway/clear", clear2fa) r.GET("/2fa_gateway/verify", verify2fa) r.GET("/2fa_gateway/recover", recover2fa) r.POST("/2fa_gateway/recover", recover2faSubmit) r.POST("/irc/generate", ircGenToken) r.GET("/settings/password", changePassword) r.GET("/settings/authorized_applications", authorizedApplications) r.POST("/settings/authorized_applications/revoke", revokeAuthorization) r.POST("/settings/password", changePasswordSubmit) r.POST("/settings/userpage/parse", parseBBCode) r.POST("/settings/avatar", avatarSubmit) r.POST("/settings/2fa/disable", disable2fa) r.POST("/settings/2fa/totp", totpSetup) r.GET("/settings/discord/finish", discordFinish) r.POST("/settings/profbackground/:type", profBackground) r.POST("/settings/clansettings", createInvite) r.POST("settings/clansettings/k", clanKick) r.GET("/clans/invite/:inv", clanInvite) r.POST("/c/:cid", leaveClan) r.POST("/dev/tokens/create", createAPIToken) r.POST("/dev/tokens/delete", deleteAPIToken) r.POST("/dev/tokens/edit", editAPIToken) r.GET("/dev/apps", getOAuthApplications) r.GET("/dev/apps/edit", editOAuthApplication) r.POST("/dev/apps/edit", editOAuthApplicationSubmit) r.POST("/dev/apps/delete", deleteOAuthApplication) r.GET("/oauth/authorize", oauth.Authorize) r.POST("/oauth/authorize", oauth.Authorize) r.GET("/oauth/token", oauth.Token) r.POST("/oauth/token", oauth.Token) r.GET("/donate/rates", btcconversions.GetRates) r.Any("/blog/*url", blogRedirect) r.GET("/help", func(c *gin.Context) { c.Redirect(301, "") }) loadSimplePages(r) r.NoRoute(notFound) return r } const alwaysRespondText = `Ooops! Looks like something went really wrong while trying to process your request. Perhaps report this to a Ainu developer? Retrying doing again what you were trying to do might work, too.`