package main import ( "fmt" "database/sql" "strconv" "strings" "regexp" "" ) func ccreate(c *gin.Context) { ccreateResp(c) } func ccreateSubmit(c *gin.Context) { if getContext(c).User.ID == 0 { resp403(c) return } // check registrations are enabled if !ccreationEnabled() { ccreateResp(c, errorMessage{T(c, "Ow, sorry the clan is not available to create right now ;p")}) return } // check name is valid by our criteria name := strings.TrimSpace(c.PostForm("name")) if !cnameRegex.MatchString(name) { ccreateResp(c, errorMessage{T(c, "Your clan can have alphabets, number and these symbols _[]-.")}) return } // check whether name already exists if db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM clans WHERE name = ?", c.PostForm("name")). Scan(new(int)) != sql.ErrNoRows { ccreateResp(c, errorMessage{T(c, "Someone already took that clan name... oof.")}) return } // check whether tag already exists if db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM clans WHERE tag = ?", c.PostForm("tag")). Scan(new(int)) != sql.ErrNoRows { ccreateResp(c, errorMessage{T(c, "Someone already took that TAG!")}) return } // recaptcha verify tag := "0" if c.PostForm("tag") != "" { tag = c.PostForm("tag") } // The actual registration. res, err := db.Exec(`INSERT INTO clans(name, description, icon, tag) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);`, name, c.PostForm("description"), c.PostForm("icon"), tag) if err != nil { ccreateResp(c, errorMessage{T(c, "Uh oh... Unexpected error! Clan might be created... I'm not sure though.")}) fmt.Println(err) return } lid, _ := res.LastInsertId() db.Exec("INSERT INTO `user_clans`(user, clan, perms) VALUES (?, ?, 8);", getContext(c).User.ID, lid) addMessage(c, successMessage{T(c, "Clan created.")}) getSession(c).Save() c.Redirect(302, "/c/"+strconv.Itoa(int(lid))) } func ccreateResp(c *gin.Context, messages ...message) { resp(c, 200, "clans/create.html", &baseTemplateData{ TitleBar: "Create your clan", KyutGrill: "clans.jpg", Scripts: []string{""}, Messages: messages, FormData: normaliseURLValues(c.Request.PostForm), }) } func ccreationEnabled() bool { var enabled bool db.QueryRow("SELECT value_int FROM system_settings WHERE name = 'ccreation_enabled'").Scan(&enabled) return enabled } // Check User In Query Is Same As User In Y Cookie func ccin(s string, ss []string) bool { for _, x := range ss { if x == s { return true } } return false } var cnameRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z0-9 '_\[\]-]{2,15}$`)